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" Language courses for groups"
Nauka języka w sali lekcyjnej nigdy nie będzie tak skuteczna jak wyjazdy językowe, pozwalające na językową immersję i osłuchanie się z naturalnym brzmieniem języka w codziennych sytuacjach.
Wyjazd zagraniczny połączony z kursem języka angielskiego daje możliwość całkowitego "zanurzenia" się w język obcy. Obozy językowe za granicą to kontakt z językiem angielskim nie tylko w trakcie codziennych zajęć z lektorem, ale wniknięcie w międzynarodowe środowisko. Aby porozmawiać z koleżanką, czy kolegą musimy formułować wypowiedzi w języku obcym. Korzystając z miejsc użyteczności publicznej, muzeów, sklepów, komunikacji miejskiej — wszędzie otacza nas język angielski. Organizatorzy zapewniają noclegi u sprawdzonych rodzin anglojęzycznych lub w akademikach. Obozy językowe w Anglii dają nam możliwość poznania kultury, tradycji i zwyczajów panujących na Wyspach.
Dla dziecka to zupełnie nowe spojrzenie na język. Nauka w szkole, która kładzie duży nacisk na gramatykę i pisownię, jest odmienna od tej, którą dzieci otrzymują podczas wyjazdu za granicę. Liczne warsztaty, spotkania, konwersacje mają sprawić, że nauka staje się przyjemnością.
Jednocześnie należy pamiętać, że jest to kurs wakacyjny. Obozy językowe za granicą mają pomóc w komunikowaniu się, pogłębić słownictwo i umiejętności językowe. Jest to także wspaniała okazja na niezapomniane wakacje: intensywne zwiedzanie, poznawanie nowych miejsc i mnóstwa osób z różnych zakątków świata. Taka przygoda z pewnością zaprocentuje na przyszłość.
Kursy językowe za granicą pozwalają na naukę w najlepszych warunkach i gwarantują wysoką skuteczność. Przekonaj się sam!
" The best way to predict the future is to create it. "
Peter Drucker
A wide range of English courses in schools around the world, regardless of level, age or interests.
We offer courses for groups in the UK in the following cities:
Aberdeen, Ashford, Bath, Bexhill on Sea, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Canterbury, Eastbourne, Edinburgh, Folkstone, Liverpool, London, Nottingham, Oxford, Portsmouth, Swansea, York
Offer of language courses for groups
Courses available throughout the school year in the UK
Our program is ideal for students between the ages of 8 and 18 who want to learn about the British curriculum, meet new friends and practice English in an authentic setting. Students have the opportunity to learn about the culture and customs of Great Britain - living with a host family, and put language skills into practice. Our partner schools are located throughout Great Britain, from large cities to coastal towns and villages, providing a great opportunity for students to experience exciting diversity Great Britain
What's included:
- Full integration program (20 hours of lessons per week)
- Teaching materials, registration fee,
- Airport transfers
- Welcome meeting
- Accommodation for students and mentors
- Lunch at school (or lunch pack)
- Daytime and evening program of social activities, sport, local visits and sightseeing and day trips
- 24/7 Contact and emergency support
All courses and extracurricular activities, attractions and trips are individually tailored to the needs of the group and financial possibilities.
Homestay gives School Integration students the chance to truly experience in Great Britain and practice English even outside the classroom. They will be able to use English in a relaxed atmosphere, they will be able to acquire new vocabulary and improve their pronunciation. Students will enjoy everyday life in an English home, try English food and learn about British culture, adopting the same lifestyle as their new British friends from school.
Ahoy adventure ...
Learning, working in a group of people from various parts of the world, professional experience and ... lots of fun! The English language course is not only an amazing opportunity to learn a foreign language and make contact with students from around the world, but also a unique opportunity to enjoy traveling, sightseeing and exploring the various corners of the world for several weeks. We offer trips with English courses in the UK, USA, Canada for both students and graduates who still want to polish a foreign language and gain new - not only professional - experience!
We provide comprehensive service free of charge ..
English & Fun is a British trained and certified Education Advisor, a member of the supervisory body and agent associations.
Our mission is to help students find the right place to study.
We work with real educational service providers; have local knowledge to provide free independent advice and support to foreign students applying for a foreign language course.
- Help and advice on choosing a course
- We handle all formalities related to the course
- Student accommodation
- We apply for a visa on behalf of a student
- We organize airport transfer
See opinions of foreign language courses
"The trip was a fantastic experience. Great atmosphere during classes, great teachers, very varied teaching methods and ... really special people I met at school professionally organized the whole trip and I can confidently recommend it to anyone planning a trip to a language course abroad. "
Arkadiusz Grudzień
"The English course has proved to be an apt and successful choice. I recommend it to everyone who wants to combine learning with active leisure together with students from other countries"
Basia Kraszewka
"I've been to three summer courses so far. Every year I stay for a long time because I'm delighted with them. All formal matters take place without any problems and E&F employees are always helpful. They work with great schools that offer many opportunities and attractions I recommend it to everyone who has a chance to participate in them "
Kamila Śpiewak
What benefits will give you a language course abroad?
- You will change your future or your child's future
- You will improve your language skills and gain confidence
- You will meet many new friends from around the world
- You will visit new places and learn about the culture over there
- You will spend unforgettable moments in a new environment
- You will gain new experience
And much more ...
We will prepare an offer for you according to your preferences
If you accept it:
- we will reserve a course and accommodation for you
- we will apply for a visa - if required (additional fee)
- we will organize a transfer from the airport / to the airport
- we will inform you how to best prepare for the trip (information about insurance, health services, bank account, currency exchange, etc.)
To learn more about our courses, please visit our website and fan page
100% Satisfaction or money back
Englisg & Fun Education Agency
Olga Witkowska-Szulc
40 Kings Drive,
BN21 2NU Eastbourne
Certified agent nr 2019/CT/7574
Unique Taxpayer Reference: 7907669652